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September 18, 2017

Should Churches Fight Back?

We are called to be peacemakers. What does that mean to the security of our congregation?

One of the common objections heard about church security is that since God will protect His own, no defense is necessary.

If you read the headlines, that’s simply not the reality of the broken world in which we live in, and our churches must live and operate within.

Counteracting violence and defending the innocent or helpless does not mean you have to engage in hand-to hand combat. We all resist aggression by stepping up and doing what is right to protect the innocent if we are able. This may simply mean calling 911, distracting the aggressor, locking a door, or providing look-out for someone to get away.

Churches must be a welcoming calming place but not at the expense of being vulnerable. Our churches, by design, are wide open where everyone is welcome in spite of their hang-ups and burdens they bear. We don’t (yet) have metal detectors or frisk people at our entrances. Anybody can wander inside with the crowds of people, and many times after services start, anyone can wander in undetected through a back door as there is usually no one watching the buildings entrances.

Whether you need armed security or unarmed security is a decision in which every church will have a different view and approach. Both can be right for the right situation, and both need adequate training and guidelines for team members. Church security does not mean trigger happy, untrained or unhinged volunteers. It means being humble, aware, prayerful, mindful and responsible for the people that God has put into our care. Whatever you decide it can’t compromise your core mission of mercy, and it doesn’t have to.

Our agency can help you with developing a detailed program for church security and emergency issues. Contact us or visit our website for more details.

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