115 Christine DriveBoyce, LA 71409

Insurance professionals that have your back

Call Us 800-256-0700


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Workers Comp

We get you the right coverage for the right price.


Windstorm & Hail

We offer free quotes and dedicated personal service.



October 3, 2023

Why You Should Work With an Independent Insurance Agency

Sometimes, you might see advertisements for cheap auto insurance that offers fast, easy enrollment online without the hassle of talking to a pushy salesperson. This might sound like it’s a simple, practical way to get the auto insurance you need as efficiently as possible. However, is it really a wise step to take? Should you […]
August 30, 2019

Child Protection Policy and Youth Worker Application

Child Protection Policy.doc Youth Workers Application.doc
January 28, 2019

Cyber Liability: Protecting Your Privacy

A pastor’s church laptop is missing, paper files are lost, online systems hacked…all are common examples of a DATA BREACH.  All present a potential privacy and financial loss to the church and it’s members.  Small and mid-sized churches are growing targets for cybercrime due to their lack of security controls.  Consider these questions to determine […]
October 22, 2018

Fall Festival Safety Tips

As the leaves begin to fall, college football is the go-to Saturday event, and temperatures start to drop (kind of) it is a clear indication that fall is upon us. Many churches host Fall Festivals or Trunk-or Treat events as a safer alternative. This can be a great opportunity for your ministry to reach the […]
October 1, 2018

Reducing the Rollover Risk: Hazards of 15 Passenger Vans

An important component for churches sharing the WORD is transportation.  One of the most common methods of transportation are 15-passenger vans. These vans provide room to move large groups of people without requiring a commercial driver’s license.  Several studies have proven these vehicles provide more risk to passengers than many churches are aware.     A major […]
August 22, 2018

Does Your Church Own a Parsonage, Dwelling, or Manse?

A recent claim occurred at a Louisiana church in which a pastor’s boat was parked in the PARSONAGE garage and the wind blew a large tree down on the structure, demolishing the boat.   Lightning struck the parsonage at another Louisiana church, causing a fire that destroyed the building and destroyed all the minister’s contents located […]
July 26, 2018

Preparing for Peak Hurricane

More than half of the most expensive hurricanes in the United States occurred between August 2004 and October 2005 causing more than 80 billion in damages.  There have been no major hurricanes in Louisiana recently but do not let that discourage your vigilance. As we head into the peak months of hurricane season, now is […]
June 27, 2018

How Does the New Concealed Carry Law Affect Your Church?

With the frequency of mass shootings tripling from 2011 to 2014, armed security in churches has moved to the forefront as a crucial topic of discussion in today’s CHURCH WORLD!  David Galloway, with LOUISIANA CHURCH INSURANCE INC., is a requested speaker across the state at church conferences to discuss this insurance risk.  Partnering with local […]
June 27, 2018

Roofs: What You Need to Know

 Why do church insurance rates keep going up?  The frequency, severity, and cost of wind-hail storms is the driving factor.  Louisiana has a coastal exposure on the south and borders tornado alley on the NW.  We can get hit from several directions.  Insurance companies are now focusing on the type and age of roofs to mitigate […]
June 27, 2018

Why Does a Church Need Workers Compensation?

Often asked is, “Why do churches need a WORK COMP policy?”.  Many churches have the mistaken impression that their CHURCH INSURANCE POLICY will cover injuries to their paid workers.  THIS IS NOT TRUE!        You need to know that all church insurance policies (with every company) EXCLUDE coverage for injuries to hired or paid workers for […]